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Minutes of

The meetings that are usually held in Rupsha Upazila are as follows: monthly general meeting, law and order committee meeting, ICT committee meeting, innovation team meeting, fertilizer-seed committee meeting, women's affairs committee meeting, freedom fighter committee meeting, project implementation committee meeting, Meetings of Agricultural Loan Committee, Meeting of Leaders Committee, Meeting of NGO Committee, Meeting of Women and Children Committee, Meeting of Fisheries Affairs Committee and various programs and preparatory meetings are held at the upazila level. To get the minutes of all these meetings, see the notice board on the home page.


Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

Upazila Parishad

Rupsha, Khulna.


Minutes of the 30th general meeting of Rupsha Upazila Parishad


President: Chairman

Upazila Parishad Rupsha,

Khulna. Date: 30/10/2013 AD Time: 11:00 am.

Meeting place: Upazila Parishad meeting room.


Members present at the meeting Appendix-A, Absent Members Appendix-B.


At the beginning of the meeting, the President welcomed all present and started the work of the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read out at the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting are unanimously adopted and confirmed without any changes or additions. Then the following issues were discussed and a decision was taken. 02. Upazila Agriculture Department: Upazila Agriculture Officer told the meeting that the production of aman paddy has improved this year. However, there has been an attempt by Mazra insects. He said the price of vegetables is high for rains. There is no shortage of fertilizer. The Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer will provide necessary advice in this regard. 03. Upazila Health Department: The Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer informed the meeting that the infant mortality rate has come down a lot through the Union and Ward programs. We need to prevent disease if we want to increase our average life expectancy. High blood pressure, heart and jaundice are advised to refrain from using raw salt and tobacco products to prevent these diseases. He advises eating more vegetables and walking regularly. He further said that deworming week will be observed and advised to take deworming tablets. Conclusion: The Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer will take necessary steps in this regard. 04. Upazila Livestock Department: As the Upazila Livestock Officer was not present at the meeting, there was no discussion regarding his office. 05. Upazila Engineering Division: The Upazila Engineer informed the meeting that the project was not accepted even though a request was made to adopt a five-year plan. He requested all UP chairmen to accept the project. In consultation with the Upazila Engineer on leave, he advised all the UP Chairmen to take up 10 projects in each Union. All UP chairmen will take necessary steps in this regard. 07. Upazila Fisheries Department: The Upazila Fisheries Officer informed the meeting that the activities of his office are going on normally. 07. Relief and Rehabilitation Division: Upazila Project Implementation Officer informed the meeting that 31.55 MT of rice has been allotted for Puja Mandap and all DOs have been provided. Extremely poor employment needs to be recruited contagious workers. The list needs to be prepared by word based segmentation. At least one-third should be women and two-thirds should be men. Conclusion: Upazila Project Implementation Officer and all UP chairmen will take necessary steps in this regard. 08. Upazila Family Planning Division: The Upazila Family Planning Officer informed the meeting that in the month of August 11, the total number of able-bodied couples was 8,64, 64,715 were sex recipients and 64.36% were CAR recipients. Due to fasting in August / 11, the permanent system was closed. In the month of August / 11, 12 IUDs were performed on women, 75 IUDs were administered and 3,369 doses of injections were distributed. The Upazila Family Planning Officer will take necessary steps in this regard. 09. Upazila Rural Development Department: Upazila Rural Development Officer informed the meeting that all the activities of this department are being conducted 100% successfully. A house is a farm project activities and running normally. 10. Upazila Primary Education Department: The Upazila Education Officer informed the meeting that first and second class text books for 2013 have been received as per the demand. Textbooks for 3rd, 4th and 5th class will be available soon. Primary Education Completion and Ibtedayi Education Completion Examination will be held in 17 centers of 11 upazilas. The number of candidates for the completion of primary education / 13 is 9,039 and the number of candidates for the completion of ibtedayi education / 13 is 1,197. Primary and Ibtedayi Education Completion Examination / 13 will start on 23/11/2013 and will end on 30/11/2013. Everyone's cooperation is needed in organizing all the examinations. Other office activities are going on normally. Conclusion: The Upazila Education Officer will take necessary steps in this regard. 11. Upazila Social Service Department: The Upazila Social Service Officer informed the meeting that all the beneficiaries and freedom fighters have been given allowances through bank accounts. Sidvamatmah Upazila Social Service Officer will take necessary action by contacting the bank authorities in this regard. 12. Upazila Cooperative Division: The Upazila Cooperative Officer informed the meeting that the activities of his office are going on normally. 13. Upazila Youth Development Department: Upazila Youth Development Officer informed the meeting that training and loan disbursement is going on normally. There is no problem with his office. 14. Upazila Women's Affairs Office: Upazila Women's Affairs Officer informed the meeting that 30 kg of rice has been distributed in each union. He requested for repair of old office including allotment of office room. 15. Upazila Statistics Division: As the Upazila Statistics Officer was not present at the meeting, there was no discussion regarding his office. 16. Upazila Food Controller: Upazila Food Controller informed the meeting

The Devidwar food warehouse has a stock of 2123,000 MT of rice and 144,000 MT of wheat. The government has reintroduced the repealed anti-food order of 1951. From now on, traders who supply at least 1.000 MT of food grains and food items will have to be covered under the License of Importer / Wholesale and Retailer / Rice Mill and OMS Dealer. Earlier, 16 out of 16 dealers and MS dealers had applied for licenses and submitted license fees. All the UP chairmen present at the meeting were informed to encourage the traders at the union level to take all the above mentioned licenses. Conclusion: The Upazila Food Controller will take necessary steps in this regard. 16. Upazila Secondary Education Office: Upazila Secondary Education Officer informed the meeting that hard copy and soft copy of the educational institution have been prepared for the Upazila portal and sent to the District Education Office. Class XI students have been sent to the project director's office with 40% stipend. Information has been sent to the secondary level students for the 1st half year 2011 (January to June) stipend. Necessary steps have been taken to distribute saplings to various educational institutions. Managing committees of various educational institutions have been formed and inspected. 16. Union Parishad 6 Chairman Aichgati Union: UP Chairman Aichgati informed the meeting that the activities of his office are going on normally. Chairman Srifaltala Union: Chairman Srifaltala said that while accepting the TR project of Madrasa / Mosque, he requested to see whether the institution has been waqfed. Chairman Naihati Union ঃNaihati UP Chairman informed the meeting that RMP does not do any work for women in his union. Request to take necessary action in this regard. Chairman T, S, B Union 6 T, S, B UP Chairman informed the meeting that Jinnatpur road is unsuitable for use. The condition of Shivnagar Primary School is very bad. Chairman Ghatbhog Union: Ghatbhog UP Chairman informed the meeting that the activities of his office are going on normally. An application has been made to the engineer. He requested to take necessary steps to repair the road-ghat. Upazila Parishad Vice Chairman: Upazila Parishad Vice Chairman Mr. Ayub Mallick Babu was not present at the meeting due to illness. Upazila Parishad Women Vice Chairman: Upazila Parishad Women Vice Chairman and Panel Chairman Begum Nazma Begum contacted the Upazila Agriculture Officer and inspected the soil and gave advice to use fertilizers / pesticides. Medical representatives come to the hospital and due to them the patients do not get treatment in time. He requested the Upazila Health Officer to inspect the goods of private hospitals. CNG and shops in front of the hospital gate caused chaos. He also said that widow allowance and old age allowance should be ensured so that the right person gets it. He requested the headmasters of the educational institutions to take classes after the holidays. Soil has taken a fee of Rs. 40 / = for the test. Request to consider this matter. Upazila Nirbahi Officer: At the meeting of the Upazila Nirbahi Officer requested all the UP Chairmen to adopt a five year plan for 05 (five) years. He requested all the UP Chairmen, Police, Ansar-VDP to protect the security of Durga Puja. Chairman Upazila Parishad: The Chairman stressed the importance of sanitation in the Upazila Parishad meeting and said that 10% latrines have been damaged and requested for its repair. Advice in this regard through Upazila Assistant Primary Education Officer 05 soaps for hand washing. Advise all students to use sandals while going to school. Advise about giving dowry through lifting meeting and refraining from taking dowry. Young boys are advised to drive rickshaw through yard meeting. Provides necessary advice to refrain. Chairman Upazila Parishad meeting on the use of hygienic latrines, including the use of water / use of vessels / hand smoke is not hygienic but the rules of use need to be informed and they need to be trained. Provides necessary advice to present. Orientation program has been taken for the next one month.


A report has to be made in this regard. Sanitation is an ongoing process. Sanitation activities will continue. He urged all UP chairmen to prepare a five-year plan on a regular basis. As there was no further discussion of the meeting, the meeting was declared closed by thanking all the members present. (Md. Ali Akbar Sheikh) Chairman Upazila Parishad Rupsha, Khulna. Memorandum No. 05.545. (48) Date: 30/06/2013 AD.


The copy was kindly sent to Awareness / Awareness and Action: -

1. Hon'ble Member of Parliament, 102 Khul-4 (Rupsha)

2. Secretary, Local Government Department, Local Government, Ministry of Rural Development and Cooperatives, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.

3. Secretary, Ministry of Self-Government, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.