খুলনা থেকে বাসে রূপসা উপজেলায় পৌঁছে স্থানীয় যানবাহনে বাগমারা গ্রামে যাওয়া যায়।
After the capture of Jessore cantonment on December 6, 1971, on December 10, at 10pm, Pakistani gunman B N.N.S. Titu Mir has seen Pakistani militant aircraft coming to Padma, Palash, and the Indian gunfight, "Panvel", near the Shipyard of Khulna. Goes to the sky. The Bangladeshi people think of the enemy as the freedom fighters want permission from the commander to shoot them. Captain Manendranath, the commander of the operation, shot the engine and crashed the engine and hit the engine room of Padma. Many sailors are casualties. Leigh Commander Roy Chowdhury ordered sailors to leave the ship. Ruhul Amin became enraged and ordered that the war continue. Ruhul Amin came to the engine room with instructions. On the other hand, the commander could not disagree. In a few minutes, Pakistani aircraft destroyed the Palash engine room by bombing the uplift. According to Ruhul Amin, in the Rupsa river, they were shattered. A lot of trouble came out of the drain. But the Pak army of Dusar Razakars killed this great freedom fighter with Benoyet. His dead body has remained for a while. For the contribution of the liberation war, the highest title of the War of Liberation was awarded Birshreshtha title.
Pictures of Bir Shubh Ruhul Amin and Bir Bikram Mahibullah's Tomb
Pictures of Bir Shubh Ruhul Amin and Bir Bikram Mahibullah's Tomb
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS